I'm Gabriel
I'm a Full Stack web developer, a mobile developer (Android/iOS), I also have strong
notions in alot of other domains like c++ and .NET desktop development, and since 2 years im
programming trading algorithms on MetaTrader and TradingView.
Check out my
projects below
"Paris, FR"
[ gmcn.pro@proton.me , LinkedIn ]
["gaming", "programming", "trading", "mathematics"]
["JavaScript", "Java", "Swift", "Python", "C++", "React", "React Native", "Flutter", "Ionic", "HTML", "CSS", "Go", "Rust", "MQL" ... (15 more elements)]
MondialBox Avignon
I've been hired as a Freelance by the owner of MondialBox Avignon, unfortunately he didn't wanted to pay a UI/UX designer so I've done my maximum with my design skills (that's absolutely not my work). The website integrates Stripe for their reservations, a panel admin and a database to manage them.
Investisseur Crypto
I've been hired as a Freelance by two Vantage's partners to make their website, unfortunately they didn't wanted to pay a UI/UX designer so I've done my maximum with my design skills (that's absolutely not my work). The websites integrates some GSAP and THREEJS animations.
TradingView Indicators
I've written my own TradingView indicators who works with my own strategies, they are not available for the moment.
MetaTrader Trading Bot
That's an ongoing project, can't talk a lot about it right now I will update my portfolio as soon as we open a beta testing program! :)
John Doe
Project Name
Magna veniam aute excepteur veniam pariatur quis velit cupidatat amet dolore. Ut elit laborum amet sit ex. Fugiat elit irure fugiat sint ea. Qui Lorem sint consequat Lorem cillum nisi aliqua pariatur ea anim deserunt velit cupidatat.
John Doe
Project Name
Magna veniam aute excepteur veniam pariatur quis velit cupidatat amet dolore. Ut elit laborum amet sit ex. Fugiat elit irure fugiat sint ea. Qui Lorem sint consequat Lorem cillum nisi aliqua pariatur ea anim deserunt velit cupidatat.